30/45Spec Specular Reflectance Accessories

30/45Spec Specular Reflectance Accessories
30° Spec and 45° Spec Specular Reflectance Accessories

Specular Reflectance is a technique for analyzing transparent films which usually yield weak spectra by ordinary transmission techniques. Applications include surface coatings on reflecting substrates; film thickness measurements by interference fringes and reflectivity coefficient determinations of metals. The application is the determining factor when deciding which angle of incidence should be selected. A 30° angle of incidence is normally chosen for more routine samples which have coating thicknesses in the micrometer range. For very thin coatings in the nanometer thickness range, an 80° angle of incidence would be appropriate. When sample thickness is unknown, the full range of specular reflectance analysis can be performed conveniently with the VeeMAX III Variable Angle 30 - 85° accessory. Simply move the sliding lever on the graduated scale to the desired angle. Each accessory provides a reference mirror to permit the operator to acquire a background spectrum. Their designs eliminate stray light and ensure minimum energy loss. Sensitivity can be further enhanced with the use of either a manual rotating wire grid polarizer or a automated wire grid polarizer.

The order details below provide for 30° and 45° Specular Reflectance accessories. The 80° and Variable Angle Specular accessories can be ordered separately.

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30° Specular Reflectance Accessory

includes 3/8”, 1/4” and 3/16” sample masks, Al alignment mirror and slide mount

Method: measures very thin coatings in the micrometer thickness range

Applications: surface coatings on reflecting substrates. film thickness measurements and reflectivity coefficient determinations of metals
45° Specular Reflectance Accessory

includes 3/8”, 1/4” and 3/16” sample masks, Al alignment mirror and slide mount

Method: measures very thin coatings in the < micrometer thickness range

Applications: surface coatings on reflecting substrates. film thickness measurements and reflectivity coefficient determinations of metals