REFLEX Analytical offers precision fabricated, high purity atomic absorption graphite furnace tubes, shrouds and contacts for a fraction of the price offered by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Scroll below and purchase by OEM listed in alphabetical order. Compare and realize significant savings.
This extensive range of OEM graphite furnace tubes, shrouds and contacts are made from ultra pure, high density graphite and coated with a layer of equally pure, pyrolytically deposited graphite. The result are graphite tubes which provide for a dense and durable surface that is impervious to sample, vapor or solvent. The proprietary fabrication and pyrocoating process extends their useful life even under strongly corrosive and extremely high temperature conditions. Each tube ensures even heat transfer over the entire length thereby contributing to efficient atomization and maximum absorbance. Graphite furnace tubes are available for GBC, Hitachi, PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Thermo Electron, Thermo Jarrell Ash, Varian and other instrument manufacturers.