Omni Liquid and Mull Cell

Omni Liquid and Mull Cell
Omni Liquid and Mull Cell

The Omni Liquid and Mull Cell is a demountable cell for the transmission analysis of liquid, mulls, pastes, and cast film samples. It is uniquely designed as one cell mount for universal sampling as the name Omni implies. It provides for a novel cell nest which is used to easily assemble and align either 41 x 23mm rectangular windows for liquid sampling or 25mm circular windows for mulls, pastes and other various types of samples. The nest feature removes the guess work and eliminates the doubt whether a seal can be established or not which is typically associated with the assembly of older style demountable liquid transmission cells. It is recommended to employ two syringes when filing the cell with a liquid sample.

PTFE and Mylar spacers of various thicknesses can be used to vary the cell pathlength. The transmission materials available include but are not limited to NaCl Sodium Chloride, KBr Potassium Bromide, CaF2 Calcium Fluoride, BaF2 Barium Fluoride, KRS-5 Thallium Bromide Iodide and ZnSe Zinc Selenide, IR Quartz, AgBr Silver Bromide, Si Silicon and Polyethylene.

You may refer to this Product DataSheet for more details and to assist with ordering the items below. REFLEX Analytical welcomes your contact if you have any questions.

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includes front and back plates, cell nest, four quick release nuts, bonded front PTFE gasket, rear neoprene gasket and two PTFE luer plugs; select window material and Mylar or PTFE spacers.

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select window material. sold as a pair. includes one drilled and one undrilled 41 x 23mm rectangular window. thinner ZnSe, IR Quartz, AgBr, Si and Polyethylene windows require a window spacer, part number 1893.
includes one drilled and one undrilled 41 x 23mm window assembled with a Lead spacer (select material and pathlength. requires OMNI body part number 1800 as referenced above)
Material:  Pathlength: 
select window material. sold as a pair. 25mm circular windows. thinner ZnSe, IR Quartz, AgBr, Si and Polyethylene windows require a window spacer, part number 1893.
required for thinner ZnSe, IR Quartz, AgBr, Si and Polyethylene windows.
select pathlength. sold as a package of five.
select pathlength. sold as a package of five.
sold as a package of ten. two each 0.05mm, 0.10mm, 0.20mm, 0.50mm, 1mm
select pathlength. sold as a package of five.
select pathlength. sold as a package of five.
sold as a package of two.
sold as a package of four.
sold as a package of two.
Softening Temperature 107°C